Soft drink addiction

Do you know Addiction to soft drinks is one of the holes in the pocket of virtually every family,the consumption of soft drinks bloats your waistline,it shrinks your wallet,we spend money down the line to treat diseases they cause,if you drink an average of 2 bottles of soft drinks a day that means you are consuming 730 bottles per year and if you drink 3 bottles per day that’s 1,095 bottles per year,a bottle of soft drink is 50naira that amounts to 18,250naira and you drink 2 bottles a day that’s 36,500naira per annum,if we add the cost of treating the diseases they cause and the man-hours lost in treating the diseases,it is indeed a hole in your pocket so is it worth it? Have a lovely saturday,

feast wisely

p.s : don’t forget to order a pack of our jigsimur tea or drink today! #health ispriceless#less soda#more water

Detoxing with Jigsimur

Detoxing with Jigsimur

Detoxing is a great way to rid the body of any harmful substances and Aloe has an amazing detoxifying effect.

Jigsimur is a 100% natural aloe product with no preservatives, no sugar and no alcohol.

Start your detoxification with a small dose of Jigsimur. We recommend starting with a dose of between 10-25 ml. once or twice a day, starting slow will allow you to determine what your optimum dose is.

Expect frequent trips to the bathroom. The colon is one of the main collectors of toxins in the body, and aloe has a laxative effect that loosens the toxin build-up and flushes it though your system.

You can detox for as long as you want, as long as you maintain a healthy diet and remember to drink lots of water. We do not recommend depriving yourself of food as part of a detox but we encourage healthier choices.

Things to avoid during detox:
Full fat dairy products
Wheat (try Rye instead)


CALL: 08031333385






Women’s solution to cyst

Do you know?
– any woman trying to concieve is at risk of having cyst
-any woman using contraceptive is a risk of cyst
-any woman with an I.U.D( coil) is at risk of having cyst
– any woman who uses clomid is at risk of having cyst
-as long as you have a womb you are at potential risk of cyst
-cyst comes and goes

When we over stimulate the womb cyst grows out

– if you know that any of these apply to you and you’re not pregnant use this combo


Follow us on IG: bejoliehealthstore

Facebook: bejoliehealthstore

Call: 09011933073

Know your Jigsimur


One of the greatest controversy in selling certain natural therapeutic medicines is when you tell a buyer that one single medicine, JIGSIMUR can cure cataract, hypertension, epilepsy, Hiv, infection, migraine, cancet, ulcer and almost all types of diseases and he will not hesitate to call you a liar and a fake medicine dealer.

80% of diseases are caused by Acidosis and Oxidation or Free Radicals. According to Dr Theodore Baroody, an American physician, *the different names of diseases does not really count, what really counts is that all diseases come from one root cause, which is too much acidity*

Therefore, if all diseases come from one root cause, it is also possible that ONE medicine that is 100% alkaline with required antioxidants can cure all diseases. Dr Otto Wurburg, a German, two times Nobel prize winner said in one of his thesis that *bacteria, viruses, fungi can not survive in an Alkaline environment* Based on above scientific statements, a product that is 100% Alkaline with potent rare Antioxidants can neutralize ACIDOSIS, suffocate and kill Bacteria, virusis and fungi, revive the body glands, stimulate hormone production and enable the body to naturally heal itself.

*JIGSIMUR* is acclaimed to cure all kinds of diseases because it does all of the above and even more. First, it detoxifies the body of toxins,. Again, it has a high ORAC value and its 100% Alkaline. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. This means the strength or capacity of a medicine to absurb Free Radicals and renew damaged cells. The human body is made up of over 100 trillion Cells. It is these cells that make the tissues, the organs and the body. Cells are made up of atoms. Atoms are paired with electrons. When these cells are with their atoms paired with electrons, they replicate and renew themselves thereby keeping the body young, healthy and disease- free. But when an atom in a cell breaks up with its electron, it becomes a Free radical, a scavenger looking for other electrons to pair with. This causes the cells to die rapidly which will give rise to all kinds of diseases, abnormal aging etc. Pollution, heavy metals like Mercury, smoking, alcohol, bad eating habits, environmental pollution,.food, toxins, inpure water, chemical based medication, ultra violet rays of the sun, pesticides, stress, etc can cause an atom to lose its electron thereby inducing Free radicals in our body. It is these Free radicals that causes the cells not to replicate or renew themselves otherwise the body has the power to regenerate or heal itself.

*Jigsimur* with its high ORAC value, alkalinity and loads of Antioxidants mops up or inhibits the Free radicals, supplies the body with all the needed nutrients in large quantity and restores good health because all diseases come from one root cause..

Stay connected for more on *JIGSIMUR*

Stay connected for more on



CALL: 08031333385






Follow us on the following apps using the link

Facebook: Visit to Like my Page-

On Instagram:

Google: Check out THE JIGSIMUR STORE on Google!

Prostate care combo

Get this combo for your prostate health,

this combo is a combination of Traditional African medicine and Traditional Chinese medicines to help detox, boost the immune system, treat stubborn infections but most importantly prevent and Treat prostate related issues in men,

order now for just

Price: N18,500naira

payments validates orders,

P.S : for serious prostate problems pls consult us to know the best treatment programme to be on based on the nature and severity as not all cases are the same and body types differs

Call: 09011933073 to order

Tips for shopping and using supplements

When shopping or using your supplements and vitamins, knowing how it fits into your diet is important

Knowing the right time to take your supplements is very important if you have to get the best results from your vitamins and Supplements

Some supplements work best with food and others without food,

Knowing when and how to use them will go along way to improving your health
That’s why @bejoliehealthstore we dont just sell our health products , we give you the best supplements combination and combos and also educate you on how best to use them to achieve maximum result

Stop patronizing untrained distributor’s , novice and quack vendors

Deal with the supplement Pro

Call: 09011933073 to consult us

Check out Bejolie Health Store (Da pretty herbalist ) on Google!

Who does the tough work your car or body?

Take care of your body

it’s important that we take care of the body which authorized and legitimized our stay here on earth

Everything is not and cannot be spiritual
I considered this piece worth sharing…with little addition after reading.

Last year December/ Early Part of January, 2018

l decided to service my car for enhanced performance at the following cost:

A) Engine oil N4,500 ,

😎 Oil Filter N1,000 ,

C) Change of front wheel bearings: N25,000

D) Change the four tyres 205/70 Rim 16@26,500: N106,000

E) Wheel Balancing & Alignment: N3,500

F) Servicing and Workmanship cost; N10,000.

G) Bought Injector Cleaner & Chemical to minimize Fuel Consumption: N1,500

H) To cap it all l filled the fuel tank up with just N13,500 .

Total cost was N160,000. !!!!!!

While on my bed tonight, a thought began to creep into my mind after hearing so many sad news this week

Three different Engineers died in their 40’s, 50’s etc

I was told that they complained of simple signs & symptoms of one ailments or the other And death struck in three succession…
December, 2017
January, 2018 &
February. 2018

I asked myself,


For how long will you keep thinking all is well with your health in spite of all odds?

We drive through dust at times, inhale all kind of unclean and highly polluted air, drink some water we don’t know their sources, eat fast foods with additives and hazardous condiments.

We engage the computer and phone without minding our gradual exposure to radiations.

If my car could gulp over #160K in an instance just for fine tuning l think l deserve to diagnose and upgrade my system.

Who is doing all the tough job, you or your car?

When last did you have a medical checkup?.

How healthy is your lifestyle?

What efforts are You making to maintain optimum capacity of your body internal organs.

Are you investing in your health?

Are you insured health wise?

While I’ll leave you to answer these questions remember you cannot enjoy wealth if you are not in good health

Just like our cars that needs regular visit to the mechanic for servicing and maintenance inorder to avoid accidents or the car breaking down
Same applies to our body/health

1) The Oil Filter is Kidney,

2) Fuel Pump is your Heart,

3) Air Filter is the Lungs,

4) The Plugs in your body is your Pancreas,

5) Chemical Filters is your Liver while

6) Your Chassis body is the Bones and skeletal system.
7) Your eyes are the head lamps.
😎 Your legs are the tyres.
9) Your veins and the intestine are the wires and the hoses.

Check your eyes, ears, vital organs like heart, liver , kidneys and lungs

Talk to a supplement expert, go for a vitamins deficiency test to know what vitamins your body may be lacking

It could make a difference.

Remember nothing is more important than our health.

Health is Wealth!!!!
Call to order your health supplements and supplements treatments programs to take care of your internal organs now…..

Ladies you can’t be slaying while your totolina is smelling rotten fish and pomo, pls stop suffocating oga , asides that do it for yourself, for the health of your reproductive organ, the Uterus cleansing pills takes care of all kind of female gynecological issues,from fibriods,to tubal blockages etc,don’t wait till you Start having issues remember life begins from the yoni

Ladies you can’t be slaying while your totolina is smelling rotten fish and pomo, pls stop suffocating oga , asides that do it for yourself, for the health of your reproductive organ, the Uterus cleansing pills takes care of all kind of female gynecological issues,from fibriods,to tubal blockages etc,don’t wait till you Start having issues remember life begins from the yoniCall: 09011933073