Key knowledge about Green World HepaSure Capsule

About Liver
Liver, located in the right hypochondria and epigastrium, is the biggest endocrine gland and one of the most important organs of human body.
The functions of liver are as follows:

regulate blood glucose balance;
store glycogen, iron and vitamins;
degrade surplus amino acids;
degrade and remove toxins in the body;
secret bile to help digestion;
adjust glucose metabolism in human body;
Synthesize blood coagulation factors to prevent continuous bleeding.
Harmful factors against liver health
Many harmful factors have negative effects on liver, such as infectious hepatitis virus like HAV, HBV and HCV; unhealthy lifestyle such as drug addiction, smoking or excessive alcohol consumption; skipping meals; unbalanced diet; air pollution; and severe infections.

How Green World HepatSure Capsule help maintain liver health?
Herbal extracts of Astragalus, Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae, and herba Lophatheri can directly repair and stabilize liver cell membrane and liver cells. It regulate hepatic fat metabolism.
Also remove toxic substances in liver; reduce the damage of toxic substances to liver. It prevent the occurrences of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. Protect liver; alleviate symptoms of liver diseases

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