Gastric health

Gastric Health Tablet: Improve Digestion And Gastrointestinal Movement

Gastric Health Tablet is an innovative medicinal product that helps to improve digestion and gastrointestinal movement by restoring the functions of smooth muscles in intestine.

Health Tablet can help restore the functions of the smooth muscles in intestine thus improves gastrointestinal movement and digestion. In terms of gastric function, it improves the gastric secretion and activity of pepsin.

It increases the total acidity and total output of gastric juice, thus improves digestion. As for small intestine, it relieves the spasm of the smooth muscles therefore improves its absorption of nutrients.

Benefits of Gastric Health Tablet
It accelerate secretion of gastric juice, improve movement of stomach and intestine.
This tablet help to alleviate gastro-abdominal distention, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea caused by Qi stagnation in spleen and stomach.
It also ease the spasm of the smooth muscle and improve the digestive function in intestine.
Stimulate appetite and promote digestion

Recommended for those with dyspepsia or poor appetite.
For heavy drinkers or those on medication for long.
Those with chronic gastric disorder

Price: 7,800

Bank payments
Pay only to

Account name: Bejolie enterprise
Account number: 0026516858
Access bank

Call: 09011933073 or 08188576603

We deliver in and outside Lagos State

Address: 1 omolara street olowo-isheri bus stop, Yakoyo , ojodu Berger

Opened from: 9:30- 3:30pm

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