Fibroids without surgery

Oestrogen dominance is the cause of fibroid, breast cancer etc.
Taking contraceptives flood the body with o estrogen..including junk foods, poultry, aerosol,cosmetics etc.

there are various types of fibroids •Intramural-grows on d walls of womb •Subserosal -grows outside d womb wall •Submucosal -grows on d inside womb •Pedunculated fibroid-grows on stalks.

Effects of Fibroid •miscarriage

Medical surgery of removing fibroid is very expensive, life-threatening. And sometimes, they’re not able to accommodate fetus…INFERTILITY!

Here’s a very healthy, cost-effective & natural organic way to evacuate fibroid without any harm to your body anatomy. Imagine you shrinking or giving birth to
That’s what happen.

COMBINATION THERAPY involves product of biotechnology & scientific distillation according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and a abit of Traditional African medicine
This regulate
the “yin & yang to balance, dredge governor vessel,replenish yin & blood to clear heat, eliminate waste& toxins in d body etc.. This helps for:
•clearing & detoxification
•removes necrosis & promote granulation, repair
damaged birth canal, regain elasticity etc
•restores vigor, sexual desire, postpone menopause,relieve vaginal dryness
•beautify & nourishing, anti-aging, bring out infinite charm of a woman
•ovarian & reproductive issues
•infections/unpleasant odor
•boost fertility
•all gynecological issues

After fixing these issues, all you need every month afterwards is maintenance to keep you healthy and protected from future regrowth. You probably would feel like a near-virgin again..smooth and a woman!

So depending on the size, number and location of the fibroid so ensure you run test to answer all these questions.

Have u seen live fibroid “birthed” before?

I want to know which is your challenge and please specify and be true to self.

Ensure you share this to friends, sisters,colleague…

Someone health is in danger & sad! (Don’t ignore this post please!) Call/Whatsapp us today: 09011933073


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