Abuja Deliveries

Jigsimur is off to abuja !!!!

Someone is about to be jigsimurfied!

Are you still sitting there and enduring that health problem in silence because you are still doubting if we’ll deliver to you after payments? Or the efficacy of our products? Is your health not worth taking the risk?give us a Chance to clear your doubts,

No matter the health problem
just 3months consistent supplement treatment programme with us is all we ask of you,
your body will thank you

for enquiries and orders

Call: 09011933073 or 08188576603

Don’t die in silence with that sickness

It is not an overstatement to say there is never happiness without good health

Do you know that certain STD can reside in your body as low grade Infection without no signs or symptoms for a decade or longer?

Order a bottle of jigsimur and give your body the cleanse and power to fight stubborn diseases and infection

Jigsimur is not a supplement but a CURATIVE NATURAL MEDICINE

Any medicine that can cleanse the blood, detoxify the colon, modulate the immune system, balance the body PH, and supply powerful antioxidants to the body is capable of curing stubborn diseases. Jigsimur works at cellular level in the body.

Apart from using Jigsimur to treat Diabetes, Hypertension, Fibroid,PCOS, Cyst, prostate problems, hormonal imbalance, infertility, premature ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction, Arthritis, Kidney problems,stroke and a host of other diseases internally, *Jigsimur can also be used topically to treat* the following ailments;
a. *Wounds/Boils*
Dab some quantity of Jigsimur on cotton wool and rub it on the surface of the wound, including Diabetic wounds or boil.

b. *Mouth Odour/Painful* gum and Loose Tooth
Put some quantity of Jigsimur in warm water and use to brush your mouth. Gaggle and hold some quantity of jigsimur in your mouth for 3 minutes. Repeat for about one week. It will take care of tooth problem and mouth odour

c. *Skin Beauty*
Mix some drops of jigsimur in your body cream and rub on your skin and face. Your skin will be smooth and glowing.

d. *Athlete foot*
Rub some quantity of jigsimur on the affected part of the toes or foot after washing the foot with hot water. Rub with Jigsimur until the atlete pain stops.

e. *Eczema and other skin diseases*
Wash the affected parts with hot water, dry and rub with jigsimur.

f. *Breaking/Grey Hair*
Rub the hair with Jigsimur to stop grey hair or breaking hair.

g. *Breast firming*
Rub jigsimur on the breast from base up
Rub at night and wash off next morning. It will help firm up the breast, prevent mastititis.

h. *Vagina Odour/Tightening*
Mix some quantity of Jigsimur with small quantity of warm water and use as a douche to wash the vagina. It helps tighten the vagina and prevent odour.

I. *External Swelling*
While you are drinking the juice, use some quantity to massage the swollen part.

j. *Wrinkles/Black spot*
Rub some quantity of Jigsimur on the face to remove black spots and wrinkles and acne (pimples)


Order now 1 bottle – N13,500

2 bottles – N26,000naira save 1k

Call: 09011933073 or 08188576603